Microsoft: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is currently on a tour of India. During this time, he is discussing a lot about Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI future in India. He also announced that his company Microsoft will provide AI training to 20 lakh Indian citizens so that they can get employment in the future by using AI skills.”text-align: justify;”>Today, Microsoft Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Satya Nadella mentioned the important role of the Indian developer community in creating cutting-edge products and solutions. In fact, today i.e. on 8 February 2024, Nadella was addressing 1,100 developers and hundreds of stalwarts of the technology world at the Microsoft AI Tour in Bengaluru. During this, he told how Indian developers have and will play an effective role in advancing AI globally.
India growing rapidly on GitHub
The name of the software collaboration and innovation platform owned by Microsoft is GitHub. Currently, India is the fastest growing market on GitHub. About 1.32 crore developers in India are using this platform, which is enough to predict that by 2027, India will overtake America as the world’s largest developer community. India also ranks second after America in terms of generative AI projects on GitHub.
Satya Nadella said, “The next generation of AI is changing the way developers work all over the world including India. It’s really exciting to see how India’s developer community is using our technology and tools to create a new future for India and the world.”
Microsoft will develop sickle for 75,000 women
Apart from this he said that, Microsoft will launch its ‘Code: Without Barriers’ in India this month. Will expand the program. The aim of the company is to spread tech skills across the country. He told that this program was launched in 9 countries of Asia in 2021. Its goal is to help eliminate gender inequality in the rapidly growing cloud, AI and digital technology sectors in the region. ‘Code: Without Barriers’ Through this, Microsoft will develop the skills of 75,000 women developers in India in 2024 and provide them certificates.
Also read: Microsoft will provide AI training to 20 lakh Indians, Satya Nadella, who came to India, said this