iPhone 17 Series: Apple launched the iPhone 14 Pro series in 2022 and with the phones of that series, the company also launched 120Hz ProMotion display. Till now, Apple had included this special pro-motion display exclusively only in the Pro series smartphones, but now according to a report, Apple is going to provide pro-motion display in the entire series of iPhone 17. >
iPhone 17 will have a great display
The Elec has claimed this in one of its reports. According to their report, the company can also provide pro-motion display in iPhone 17 and iPhone 17 Plus. If this happens, apart from Apple’s Pro iPhone, this will be the first iPhone in which such a screen will be provided.
iPhone 17 and iPhone 17 Plus can be launched in September 2025, in which the company can use LTPO display panel for the first time. This means that we will be able to use the screen with always-on functions in all the iPhones of the iPhone 17 series, which till now was only available in the Pro models of the iPhone.
What is the special feature of LTPO display?
For those users who do not know about LTPO display, let us tell them that it is a display panel with dynamic refresh rate, due to which the screen display automatically keeps moving from 1Hz to 120Hz. In always-on-display mode, LTPO displays typically operate at a much lower refresh rate, such as 1Hz, to conserve your phone’s battery.
Apart from this, another thing has been revealed from this report about iPhone 17 series that Apple can use BOE for LTPO Panel for iPhone 17 and iPhone 17 Plus smartphones, whereas till now Apple has not used BOE for this display panel. LG company was used for this.
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